Welcome all to the Kitty Collective, a place to love, laugh, live, (worship Arayah) and exist together in harmony! Come on in, learn about me and my community. Lets have a wonderful time together before you need to go.

Come on by to check out what I'm saying these days!

Show me your support by coming by and saying hi while I'm live!

Come on in, we only bite those who don't bring catnip!

Come have a mini catdritch to represent the kitty collective!

Check out clips and the occasional youtube exclusive content!

A few words from me

Hey guys, I'm Arayah Astryx. I'm a small streamer who just wants to have fun. If you've visited this page, you probably already know who I am, but if not lets talk about that a little! I'm a eldritch catgirl being, multi millions of years old, and an avid gamer. I love my friends and to show love and support to everyone. If you're new here, never be scared to say hi! I'm a loving, caring, happy little catdritch, with a heart big enough for everyone who needs a little bit of love.

I'd like to thank some people here as well!
    - RowanVR for being an amazing friend and helping me make a website for myself at all and one of my best friends ever!
    - Sushi for being my favorite artist of all dang time and making me all kinds of wonderful things as well as being a friend!
    - Angelkat for inspiring me to never give up even when I felt I should, as well as making me the catdritch I am today.
    - Marshie for being kind and sweet, as well as always able to bring a smile to my face even when we're both screaming in terror.
    - Drew for being the smartest guy in the west and sharing a braincell with me occasionally so I can function like a normal person.
    - Zeno for being hilarious and patient, even with a dumb little catdritch like myself!
    - My twin Shio for being able to handle me for these millions of years!
    - Velouria for being an amazing friend, helping me with my model, and being a good role-model!
    - And finally, all of you. All you guys make all of this possible, and it wouldn't be able to be done without you. I will always, always, always love you, so please keep supporting me on my journey. Thank you all.

And lastly, for those interested...

For any business inquiries or wishes to do any formal activities, please contact me at arayahastryx@gmail.com.